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  • Zenhub News
  • Project Management

Get early access to the new Zenhub Slack integration

Our new integration will do just that, allowing teams to interact with (and update) Zenhub without ever leaving their Slack workspace

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  • Agile and Product Management
  • Software Engineering
  • Project Management

Migrate From Jira to Zenhub: A Step-By-Step Guide

Switching from Jira to Zenhub? Here's how to migrate your data quickly and easily using ZenHub's native integration with GitHub.

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  • Software Engineering

GitHub Best Practices: Taking Your GitHub Issues from Good to Great

Learn GitHub best practices for managing and labeling issues to provide insights into your code and where the trouble spots are.

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  • Project Management
  • Software Engineering

JIRA Server End-of-Life: Migrating to Zenhub On-Premise

In this article, we explore the impact of the Jira server end-of-life and discuss Zenhub On-Premise as the ideal Jira server alternative.

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  • Project Management

AI Project Management: a guide

A guide to understanding the uses of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in project management in 2023.

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  • Zenhub News
  • Project Management
  • Agile and Product Management

Introducing Smart Pipelines: A New Era for Zenhub Workspaces

Introducing Smart Pipelines: A New Era for Zenhub Workspaces

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  • Project Management

The Top Challenges with Scrum in 2024: a roundtable discussion

Join 3 Agile experts to discuss the top challenges teams face with Scrum in 2024.

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  • Zenhub News

Introducing Zenhub’s new command palette: an easier way to navigate

We’re excited to announce a simple yet powerful addition to our platform that’s going to reduce context switching inside Zenhub and unlock a whole new level of efficiency.

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  • Project Management
  • Zenhub News

Introducing the Daily Feed, your new home in Zenhub

Introducing the Daily Feed, the latest release from Zenhub. The Daily Feed is a summary of your priorities, blockers, and closed issues.

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  • Project Management
  • AI

AI in project management: Developer attitudes towards AI use cases

AI in project management is becoming popular, but just how popular, and what are its biggest use cases? We surveyed developers to find out.

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  • Project Management

Will AI Replace Project Managers?

Project managers are the glue that keeps teams together. They are the maestros conducting the orchestra of timelines, potential blockers, conflict resolutions, and opportunity discoveries.

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  • Project Management
  • Agile and Product Management
  • AI

Agile AI: Will artificial intelligence end agile as we know it?

In this article we explore how Agile AI will shape the future of facilitating and collaborating using agile frameworks.

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  • Software Engineering

Software Developer Happiness Report

We surveyed 380 developers around the world, and we're sharing what we learned about what makes them happy, productive, and fulfilled at work.

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  • Software Engineering

Is Github Copilot’s biggest productivity threat bad project management?

GitHub CoPilot helps developers code faster, but project management is critical for Copilot users to reap its productivity benefits. See why.

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  • Agile and Product Management

Automating Zenhub workflows

In this episode of our Intro to Zenhub series, we show you how to reduce busywork by leveraging workflow automation.

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  • AI
  • Project Management

Automated Sprints in Zenhub

Leverage Zenhub's Automated Sprints to make your sprint planning hands-free, helping your team spend time on work that increases throughput and velocity, not on meetings that derail productivity.

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  • Project Management

State of Disruptive Software Teams webinar

With John Garrett and Thabang Mashalogu

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  • Software Engineering

Podcast episode 1: Sven Efftinge

Join us as we discover how GitPod is elevating the developer experience.

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  • Software Engineering

Podcast episode 4: Abby Kearns

How to have patience in an industry that moves as quickly as tech

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  • Software Engineering

The Future of Work for Software-led Organizations

We surveyed over 260 software professionals to uncover the trends, priorities and opportunities of today's disruptive software teams. Discover what it takes to give your software team an edge above the rest.

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  • Agile and Product Management

Reading & organizing your Zenhub board

In this first video of our Intro to Zenhub series, onboarding success manager Sy Mender takes you through the basics of reading and organizing Zenhub boards.

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  • Software Engineering

How to resolve IoT and Edge Computing developer productivity challenges

With Frédéric Desbiens, Program Manager, IoT and Edge Computing, Eclipse Foundation

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  • Agile and Product Management

Zenhub Overview video

Innovative software teams use tools just as innovative as they are – enter Zenhub, an agile project management software. With enhanced visibility for software projects in GitHub, automated agile experiences, and real-team productivity insights, Zenhub helps scaling teams get ship done.

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  • Agile and Product Management

Getting Started with Automated Sprint Planning in Zenhub

With Richenda Smith and Julie Garrah

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  • Project Management

Open Source guide

How to build and enable productive open source software development teams

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  • Software Engineering

State of disruptive software teams

We surveyed over 260 software professionals to uncover the trends, priorities and opportunities of today's disruptive software teams. Discover what it takes to give your software team an edge above the rest.

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  • Project Management

Podcast episode 2: Tracy Miranda

Learn how Tracy Miranda is building a more secure world at Chainguard.

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  • Agile and Product Management

Developer productivity management: a complete guide

How to build productive software development teams and track their progress

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  • Agile and Product Management
  • Project Management

Exploring Zenhub reports and productivity insights

In this episode of our Intro to Zenhub series, we show you how to leverage Zenhub to gain insight into your team’s productivity.

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  • Project Management

Project Management for Teams in GitHub

Learn how to build better software and foster a more collaborative team. Every chapter of our new book is packed with expert advice and real-world examples your team can start using today.

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  • Agile and Product Management

Zenhub roadmap tour

In this episode of our Intro to Zenhub series, we show you how to visualize your team’s large-scale work in one place with Zenhub roadmaps.

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  • Software Engineering

Podcast eEpisode 5: Steve Millidge

We’re joined by Steve Millidge, Founder of Payara Services Limited

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  • Project Management

Focused Teams

Software teams need a process in place to keep them on track, focused, and pushing towards their objectives. This ebook covers best practices for stronger and more focused software teams.

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  • Project Management

Podcast Episode 3: Fracesco Virga

Launching a Developer-focused startup with Francesco Virga

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  • Zenhub News
  • Project Management
  • Agile and Product Management

A new way to use Zenhub is here: Introducing Zenhub Issues

In 2015 Zenhub changed the game as one of the first products in the market to enable teams to run their entire project management process within GitHub. After 8 years, our fanbase of users who love managing projects close to their code continues to grow.

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  • Agile and Product Management

Zenhub sprints and planning poker

In this episode of our Intro to Zenhub series, we show you how to automate your agile processes. Zenhub’s automated sprint planning enables you to set up recurring sprints that move incomplete issues over to the next sprint automatically.

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  • Software Engineering

What makes devs happy is no longer a mystery

We surveyed 380 developers around the world, and we’re sharing what we learned about what makes them happy, productive, and fulfilled at work. Here's what we found.

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  • Agile and Product Management

How to Calculate Team Velocity and Meet Deadlines for Agile Teams

In this article, we cover agile estimation techniques for predicting the effort and deadlines of software projects using agile project management.

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  • Agile and Product Management

How to Build a Product Roadmap - Examples and Best Practices Included

The product roadmap is the overall view and action plan for the development of a product or solution. Find out best practices and product roadmap examples.

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  • Project Management

GitHub for Project Management - How to Organize and Track Your Agile Processes

Centralizing your team's work in one platform carries many benefits. Read our no-fluff guide to using GitHub project management for your Agile projects.

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  • Agile and Product Management

Better Sprint Retrospective Meetings - Tips and Techniques

Take an up-close look at how you can improve your Sprint Retrospective meetings and give your team the opportunity to improve future sprints.

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  • Agile and Product Management

Story Point Estimation – How to Use Agile Story Points

Learn to make accurate software estimates for your development projects through story points.

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  • Agile and Product Management

Agile estimation techniques: a guide

In this article, we cover agile estimation techniques for predicting the effort and deadlines of software projects using agile project management.

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  • Agile and Product Management

Product backlog management: how to manage and refine backlogs

A list of tips and recommendations for managing and prioritizing a healthy product backlog in ZenHub. Best practices for effective product backlog meetings.

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  • Agile and Product Management

Scrum Burndown Charts - Tracking Sprint Progress in Agile Software Development

Sprint burndown charts are an essential Agile project management tool, giving project managers and the team a snapshot of the team’s progress on the current sprint.

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  • Agile and Product Management

How to Hold Effective Sprint Review Meetings

Sprint Reviews shouldn’t be confused with Sprint Retrospectives. Read more on how you can use Sprint Reviews to celebrate the progress your team has made.

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  • Agile and Product Management

Building Your First Scrum Team - Introduction to Scrum Roles and Responsibilities

We’re going over three core Scrum roles and their in-demand to help you prepare a focused team for your projects.

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  • Software Engineering

GitHub Authentication with Zenhub: a Guide

This blog will teach you how to authenticate Zenhub in your GitHub account properly, so you never have to leave GitHub to manage workflows.

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  • Agile and Product Management

How to implement agile using agile principles

Trying to bring Agile to a whole organization at once is beyond anyone’s abilities. But it’s certainly possible to get your team on board. And once you’ve planted the seed, it’s incredible how much it can grow.

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  • Project Management

6 Tips to Optimize Your Next Sprint Planning in 2023

Sprint planning is a critical component of agile methodology. It helps teams keep projects on track, refine product backlogs, and ensure they're working on the things that matter the most to your customers.

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  • Software Engineering
  • Zenhub News

Zenhub’s API: How to make Zenhub even more powerful

Senior Product Manager Joseph Totera sat down with us to explain how developers can use the API to take Zenhub to the next level by tying it into their specific working setup.

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  • Agile and Product Management

Kanban vs. Scrum: Key Differences, Pros, and Cons

Both frameworks follow the same Agile principles, but there are some important distinctions between Kanban and Scrum that you’ll want to consider.

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  • Agile and Product Management

Vertical Slicing for Tracking Cross-Functional Work on Agile Teams

With the rise of cross-functional teams comes an increased need for collaboration. Here’s how to use vertical slicing to optimize your team.

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  • Agile and Product Management

Agile Purists vs. Realists: Do you really have to go by the book?

Teams are ever-changing and evolving. With this change, it's worth rethinking how you approach your Agile practices to optimize them for your team.

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  • Software Engineering

Software Development Benchmarks and Metrics for Measuring Productivity

Having accurate measures of productivity is critical to the growth of any team. Here are some key productivity metrics to see where your team stands.

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  • Agile and Product Management

Agile frameworks: How to choose the right one

Agile methodology took the software development world by storm in 2001 and has since been the predominant way of managing software projects. Beyond its prevalence in software development, many teams, including IT, marketing, HR, and operations, can and have benefited from agile principles.

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  • Agile and Product Management
  • Zenhub News

What Is a Sprint Backlog and What to Include in One

The Sprint Backlog is a subset of the Product Backlog. A list of items the scrum team wants to accomplish in the product during a sprint.

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  • Software Engineering
  • Agile and Product Management

What Is a Product Backlog and How to Manage and Master It with Ease

A list of tips and recommendations for managing and prioritizing a healthy product backlog in ZenHub. Best practices for effective product backlog meetings.

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  • Agile and Product Management
  • Zenhub News
  • Project Management

How Zenhub’s Marketing Team Uses Zenhub

In this blog, we take a look at how one of our “non-technical” teams, our marketing team, uses Zenhub. We look at board configuration, reports, and more.

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  • Agile and Product Management
  • Project Management

Sprint planning: a guide

At the beginning of each sprint, the scrum team holds a sprint planning event to define what can be delivered in the sprint and how that work will be achieved.

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  • Agile and Product Management

Five pro tips and tricks to take Zenhub to the next level

Zenhub has a lot of small-but-mighty capabilities that bring it to it's fullest potential. Here are 5 tips and tricks to make you a Zenhub pro.

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  • Project Management
  • Zenhub News

How Zenhub’s Marketing Team Uses Zenhub

In this blog, we take a look at how one of our “non-technical” teams, our marketing team, uses Zenhub. We look at board configuration, reports, and more.

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  • Agile and Product Management

Jira alternatives: the 10 best in 2023

Jira is well known, but as many people know, it's not super user friendly for fast moving software teams. Here are the best alternatives.

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  • Software Engineering
  • Project Management

Moving from GitHub Projects to Zenhub

For scaling teams currently using GitHub Projects, Zenhub offers greater capabilities and collaboration with non-GitHub users. Here's how to switch.

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  • Zenhub News

Zenhub Change(b)log: What’s new in June 2023

In this changelog blog, we cover all of the features that are net-new to the Zenhub platform for the month of June 2023.

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  • Project Management
  • Software Engineering
  • Agile and Product Management

GitHub project management: a guide

Team-based software development happens in GitHub, so it’s only natural to want to manage projects closely with or inside the platform. How can teams better plan, track, and prioritize their work without leaving GitHub?

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  • Software Engineering
  • AI

Software Development Insights Webinar

Join this webinar as we demo Zenhub's Insights and Recommendations to improve your dev team's productivity and optimize process management.

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  • AI
  • Project Management

What’s New: Introducing Automated Sprint Planning and Predicted Sprints

Introducing predictive and automated capabilities for sprint planning. Get real-time predictions of when issues will be worked on, add sprint goals, and more.

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  • AI
  • Project Management

Will AI take over agile coaching? 3 coaches respond

There's a lot of discussion around AI and job displacement. In this article we ask 3 agile coaches whether AI could take over coaching.

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  • Zenhub News

Unlock the Future: Zenhub’s Product Roundtable

Join the Zenhub Product Team for a deep dive into Zenhub. This exclusive event is your chance to look back at the transformative features we launched in 2023 and get a first look at the exciting innovations planned for Q1 2024.

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  • Project Management
  • Agile and Product Management

What are the biggest challenges with Scrum in 2024?

What are the biggest challenges with Scrum? In our latest survey, we asked 30 Scrum practitioners about their Scrum experiences–here are the key takeaways.

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  • Project Management
  • Agile and Product Management

Making roadmaps Agile

Agile is all about responding to change quickly. But how can we apply these principles to roadmaps? In this guide we show you how.

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  • Zenhub News
  • Project Management

Roadmaps: key dates & dependencies

Zenhub is excited to announce the launch of two new enhancements to Roadmaps–Key Dates and Dependencies. Read for more info on Roadmap updates.

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  • Project Management

Product Roadmap Tools: The Top 5 in 2024

Looking into product roadmap tools? In this blog, we take an in-depth look at the top 5 roadmapping tools of 2024 and what to look for.

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