Code more, update less.

Keeping projects up-to-date shouldn’t pull you away from coding. Zenhub automatically updates work based on changes you make in GitHub, keeping stakeholders informed while you code.


Is project management feeling like a second job?

You’re constantly switching between tools

You go back and forth between GitHub and project management tools, making it harder to keep project plans up-to-date.

You struggle to get alignment with other teams

Project info is scattered in multiple tools, making giving and receiving project visibility to teams not in GitHub (like Product) challenging.

You spend too much time in meetings

Between stand-ups, retros, sprint planning, and backlog refinement –  you wish more meetings weren’t the “answer” to alignment.

Collaborate without leaving GitHub

THE solution

Keep project management closer to the code

Zenhub enhances project collaboration in and beyond GitHub, ensuring seamless alignment with your whole software team while you focus on code.

Stay efficient in GitHub

No more context switching

Use Zenhub’s browser extension for GitHub to access Zenhub’s entire project management suite directly inside GitHub’s UI.

No more duplicate work

Leverage a single GitHub Issue across your team’s project management system to avoid duplicating project data and managing status updates in two places.

Automated pull requests

Connect one or multiple issues to a pull request to enable issues to automatically close when a linked PR is merged.

Less time meeting, more time coding

Asynchronous planning poker

Say goodbye to story point estimation meetings. Planning poker lets you asynchronously cast votes on estimates, eliminating the need for meetings unless there’s disagreement on an estimate.

Automate issues and create dependencies

Streamline work hand-offs and reduce meeting time by automating issue movement from one team’s pipeline to another. Clearly mark dependencies to notify your team of bottlenecks.
Enhanced efficiency

Stay efficient in GitHub

No more context switching

Use Zenhub’s browser extension for GitHub to access Zenhub’s entire project management suite directly inside GitHub’s UI.

No more duplicate work

Leverage a single GitHub Issue across your team’s project management system to avoid duplicating project data and managing status updates in two places.

Automated pull requests

Connect one or multiple issues to a pull request to enable issues to automatically close when a linked PR is merged.
Fewer meetings

Less time meeting, more time coding

Asynchronous planning poker

Say goodbye to story point estimation meetings. Planning poker lets you asynchronously cast votes on estimates, eliminating the need for meetings unless there’s disagreement on an estimate.

Automate issues and create dependencies

Streamline work hand-offs and reduce meeting time by automating issue movement from one team’s pipeline to another. Clearly mark dependencies to notify your team of bottlenecks.

See why devs ❤️ Zenhub

Join 8000+ devs managing projects close to their code

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