Zenhub vs GitHub Projects

Has your team outgrown GitHub Projects?

GitHub Projects is great for small teams, but it becomes seriously limiting and hard to scale, especially when you need to support more complex projects. Zenhub connects directly to GitHub issues, and gives you the automation and tools your team will need as it grows.
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Why teams move from Github projects

GitHub Projects doesn’t work for growing teams…

We interviewed teams that switched from GitHub Projects to Zenhub. Here’s what they said:
Difficult to manage larger projects
You have limited options for creating project hierarchy, making it harder to zoom out (or in) on larger projects.
Poor visibility for dev teams and stakeholders
You’re unable to plan and track cross-repo projects and get high-level roadmap views, which limits your ability to make decisions.
Not built for agile teams and work
GitHub Projects does not come with built-in agile tools like Sprint Planning, Planning Poker, and Agile Reports that are critical to making agile processes sticky.
Why Zenhub

7 reasons engineering teams are switching to Zenhub

1. Zenhub has a more scalable hierarchy

Zenhub’s flexible and scalable hierarchies are all about helping Dev teams work more efficiently and reduce errors.

Our clear organization through multiple levels like Workspace, Roadmap, Project, Release, Epic, Issue, Checklist, and Labels makes work organization much easier and clearer.

2. Real-time roadmaps across the organization

Zenhub gives engineering leaders a real-time view of all work being done across their entire roadmap. This helps them better prioritize tasks and manage spend effectively.

Zenhub roadmaps also organize work by projects, epics, and issues, spanning multiple teams and updating automatically. This means leaders always have the most accurate view of project statuses.

3. Easily manage GitHub Issues across multiple repos

With Zenhub, you can manage and visualize issues from multiple repos on a single board, grouping them into projects as if they were in one repo.

By centralizing issue management, you make it immediately easier to visualize and act on issues, reducing room for error and increasing speed to resolution.

4. Purpose-built for agile teams

Zenhub is agile-ready right out-of-the-box, with built-in estimates, Planning Poker, automated sprint planning, and more.

5. AI to automate agile jobs and save hours of manual work

Zenhub brings automation and AI to several key areas, including: sprint planning, sprint reviews, labeling issues, and generating acceptance criteria.

Project Managers and Scrum Masters can focus on supporting the team rather than spending time configuring and customizing tools.

6. User friendly for developers and non-developers

When you're trying to break down cross-functional silos, your tools need to be accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical skills. The great thing about Zenhub is that it’s easy to use for both developers and non-developers. Anyone can collaborate effectively.

7. Dedicated onboarding and ongoing CS/Support and resources

Zenhub brings automation and AI to several key areas, including: sprint planning, sprint reviews, labeling issues, and generating acceptance criteria. We understand how critical project management software is to the success of your team. That’s why we invest in a robust support model to help you get started and succeed fast.

Our support team is always there to ensure you can onboard efficiently and focus on what’s most important — building great software, not troubleshooting ours.
Compare Value

Everything you wish GitHub Projects had

Zenhub picks up where GitHub projects limit you…



GitHub Projects

Kanban boards

Board automation
Enhanced project hierarchy
Project hierarchy includes multi-repository Epics and Projects
No project hierarchy beyond GitHub repositories
Enhanced board capabilities
Includes: the ability to pin and label high-priority issues, saved filter views, expanded pipeline views, issue multi-selection, and more
Not available
Plan projects within GitHub’s UI
Advanced, via browser extension
Available at the Workspace and Org level, populated by Epics and Projects
Only viewable at the repo level, populated by GitHub Issues
Not available
Planning Poker
Not available
Automated Sprint Planning
Not available
Filter board by GitHub assignee, label, repo, or milestone
Not available
Multi-public-or-private-repo boards
Not available
AI-generated issue labels
Not available
*Available on Enterprise plan
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For Teams

Kanban boards

Board automation
Enhanced project hierarchy
Project hierarchy includes multi-repository Epics and Projects
Enhanced board capabilities
Includes: the ability to pin and label high-priority issues, saved filter views, expanded pipeline views, issue multi-selection, and more
Plan projects within GitHub’s UI
Advanced, via browser extension
Available at the Workspace and Org level, populated by Epics and Projects
Planning Poker
Automated Sprint Planning
Filter board by GitHub assignee, label, repo, or milestone
Multi-public-or-private-repo boards
AI-generated issue labels

For Teams

GitHub Projects
Kanban boards

Board automation
Enhanced project hierarchy
No project hierarchy beyond GitHub repositories
Enhanced board capabilities
Not available
Plan projects within GitHub’s UI
Only viewable at the repo level, populated by GitHub Issues
Not available
Planning Poker
Not available
Automated Sprint Planning
Not available
Filter board by GitHub assignee, label, repo, or milestone
Not available
Multi-public-or-private-repo boards
Not available
AI-generated issue labels
Not available

See how Swagger API is prioritizing the developer experience

“Zenhub gave us the capability to have a single workflow with minimal overhead and integration with different GitHub contexts, not to mention much better reporting and planning features than were available elsewhere.”
Francesco Tumanischvili, Lead Developer
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ZENHUB tutorials

Moving to Zenhub from GitHub is easy – here’s how

Don’t let GitHub Projects stop you from scaling