Agile process, built-in

From automated sprints and planning poker to performance reports, agile methodology is deeply embedded in Zenhub’s design, making following frameworks simple and intuitive for agile teams, new and old.

The problem

Why do software teams struggle to get agile right?

Too often, teams are overwhelmed by the implementation of complex agile tools and frameworks.

Too much time is wasted on agile frameworks

Agile frameworks require heavy onboarding onto new tools and frequent status update and Issue estimation meetings.

It’s hard for teams to stay in-sync

With dispersed, out-of-date tooling, developers are constantly chased down for project status updates and running up against bottlenecks.

Rigid frameworks put stress on developers

Pressure to follow Agile to the letter makes it difficult to create processes that work with your team’s natural ebs and flows, harming work culture.

why zenhub

Agile doesn’t have to compromise agility

Zenhub gives teams the fundamentals of agile, so your team can focus on moving fast.

Sprint planning

Set up recurring sprint schedules and enable Zenhub to build sprints from your backlog.

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Planning poker

Enable teams to provide unbiased feedback on story point estimates and come to a consensus without meetings.

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Agile reports

Zenhub automatically generates ready-to-view agile reports to give you insights into your team’s progress.

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Benefits of using Zenhub

Agile adoption

Agile processes built into Zenhub make adoption and tracking agile metrics easier for new-to-agile teams.

Faster releases

Zenhub’s agile reports help you identify blockers and predict project end dates, helping you release faster and on time.

Informed decision-making

Feel confident about prioritization decisions with a deeper understanding of your team’s velocity, blockers, and progress.
Customer story

See how NASA’s JPL team got agile with Zenhub


“Because of Zenhub Enterprise, not only could JPL modernize their development process through agile practices — they could keep their many developers focused on creating phenomenal software.”
Read their story

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